
Did You Know?

Only 24 percent of jobs in the region are accessible by transit in 90 minutes or less by a typical resident — and that number drops to 12 percent in the suburbs.

ACTION ALERT: Call Sen. Durbin today to save biking and walking projects!

Congress is on the verge of passing a new transportation bill, and we have been told that biking and walking programs have been compromised. We need to act quickly and speak up loudly to save biking and walking funds!

Please call Senator Durbin at 202-224-2152 today to let him know that bicycle and pedestrian safety is important to you — and to 83 percent of Americans. Urge him to protect the Cardin-Cochran agreement in the transportation bill to ensure local governments have access to federal transportation funding for biking and walking projects.

Emails may not be enough, and Monday, June 25, is the last day to make a difference.

Thank you for calling Senator Durbin today!