
Did You Know?

Only 0.7 percent of federal transportation funds are spent on improving pedestrian facilities.

Mayor Daley's Safe Routes Ambassadors are on the Web!

We all know Mayor Daley has an important job and an office downtown, and probably his own personal keys to the pedway, but did you know that he has his own Safe Routes Ambassadors?  Mayor Daley’s Safe Routes Ambassadors are the Chicago Department of Transportation’s bike and pedestrian safety education and outreach team, and they have probably visited an elementary school near you.  The SRAs have a great message about walking and biking to school safely, and on January 27th, Somilia Smith, Program Coordinator for Mayor Daley’s Safe Routes Ambassadors, will be presenting a web-based seminar for anyone interested in learning more about the education and encouragement components of Safe Routes to School.  To find out more about the webinar, click here.  To learn about Mayor Daley’s Safe Routes Ambassadors, click here.  To learn more about Safe Routes to School in Chicagoland and around the world, click here, or call Owen Read at 312.427.3325 x 236!  

