With the swearing in of Governor Pat Quinn on Thursday, January 29, 2009, we are hopeful that we are ushering a new era for active transportation in the State of Illinois. Gov. Quinn has long been a supporter of our work, from helping to push the successful Bikes on Metra program to being a champion for Safe Routes to School. He launched Walk Across Illinois, a program that we now manage. He is a walker, a bicyclist and a transit rider. He will forgo private planes to take Amtrak. And he belives in a government that works for the people.
I don't expect miracles, especially given the financial state that our economy is in. What I expect is consistent leadership on the issues that are important to our members. I expect attention being spent to important funding programs such as Transportation Enahncements and Safe Routes to School. He needs support to make this happen. Support from leadership in the General Assembly and support from constituents. We will keep our readers and members aware of opportunities to voice this support.
So good luck Governor Quinn, we look forward to partnering with you and your administration over the next two years.