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Mode Share
My son and I were waiting on his school bus this morning on Chicago Avenue. While waiting, we decided to count all the people traveling east for 10 minutes and figure out the mode split. I was a bit surprised, because I don’t normally think of Chicago Avenue as a bicycling street, but the numbers were decent, especially given that it was 12°F at the time. Anyway, here were the numbers:
Total Travelers: .40…….100%………A-Trans Goal
Buses: …………..2………..5%………..15%* vehicles, not passengers
Bicycles: ………..3………..7.5% ……..15%
Cars:……………..29……...72.5%…….. 50%
If I was able to count passengers, the numbers would skew, but it was a nice snapshot to know we are moving forward. Try it, do your own count and tell us what you found.
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