Friends of the Calumet-Sag Trail receive 501c3 non-profit status

 Fly, little bird:

Three years ago, Active Transportation Alliance enabled the creation of the Friends of the Calumet-Sag Trail to accelerate the completion of the 32-mile multi-use connection between southeast suburban Burnham and southwest suburban Lemont. ActiveTrans served as financial agent while the Friends got its ducks in a row straight enough to apply for 501c3 non-profit status.

The letter came today. The Friends have left the nest, on wings born aloft by IRS approval of its application [and tortured metaphors].

Nick of time, too: the Friends are committed to providing the remaining $35,000 match for Cal-Sag communities awarded $268,000 by U.S. Senator Dick Durbin.

Find out more about our plans at

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