Congratulations to the 2009 Hall of Fame inductees! This year we honor those Campaign Managers who have taken remarkable strides in making Chicagoland a better and safer place to walk, bike and use transit.
- Bob Hoel
- Lucy Gomez-Feliciano
- Mayor Richard M. Daley
The Active Trans Hall of Fame is reserved for those members who have moved our mission forward through their hard work, dedication and passion for better biking, walking and transit.
Bob Hoel is the Elmhurst Bicycle Club’s director of advocacy. Bob led the way to found the Elmhurst Bicycle Task Force. His leadership allowed the cycling community to connect with local leaders to discuss ideas, concerns and suggestions to make Elmhurst more bikeable. Bob has worked diligently to promote safe and healthy streets and helped develop a shared-road pilot project for the community. He has also provided Elmhurst residents a resource with bike-related news and updates.
Lucy Gomez-Feliciano, the ciclostar, chairs the Open Streets Stakeholders Committee. She has brought communities together over the last four years to bring a ciclovia event to Chicago. We saw the fruits of this labor this year and last year as tens of thousands of neighbors took to the streets to play, dance, bike, walk and be physically active in their neighborhood. Lucy continues to join residents with community leaders and city officials to see this mission through. She sits on the Active Trans board and is the health organizer for the Logan Square Neighborhood Association.
Mayor Richard M. Daley is the 2009 Ultimate Campaign Manager. Under his leadership, Chicago has thrived as a biking and walking city. The city recently adopted a Complete Streets policy, which will guide road projects to accommodate all road users. The Department of Transportation also follows the impressive Bike 2015 Plan, which includes bike parking, signage, safety and encouragement goals. Mayor Daley continues to recommit to making Chicago a bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly city through efforts the Mayor Daley’s Bicycling Ambassadors and Safe Routes Ambassadors, the 2007 Bike Safety Ordinance, Bike to Work Day Rally and through the recent Pedestrian Safety Campaign.
On behalf of everyone biking, walking and using transit..thank you!