Bike to Work Week registration is open!

Get your company healthy this year by signing up for Bike to Work Week, the annual contest that challenges Chicagoland businesses to get the most employees to take a two-wheeled commute during that week.

The Active Transportation Alliance’s Bike to Work Week, June 12-18, is an annual celebration of bike commuting. Last year more than 322 companies representing thousands of employees participated. Participating companies have included Google, WTTW, City of Aurora, Chicago Sun-Times, The Field Museum, Sen. Richard Durbin’s office and hundreds of others.

Here is how it works:

Team leaders sign up their company at Team leaders can be anyone – an administrator, staff, president, director, owner, manager – whoever! Choose the correct category for your business to you can compete against similar organizations.

That person encourages their team of co-workers to bike at least one trip during Bike to Work Week June 12-18. Team Leaders then collect the results and submit them online.

Active Trans will supply Team Leaders will all the tools they need to make biking an easy choice for their teammates – bike maps, how-to manuals and duel cards to challenge the competition. Team Leaders also get a free technical fabric T-shirt.

The companies with the highest percentage of bike commuters that week win! A luncheon following Bike to Work Week celebrates Team Leaders and honors the winning companies.

Sign up your company and see just how healthy our office can be. Register today!

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