Environmental literacy for Illinois gets updated

Every five years, the master plan for environmental education in Illinois is updated to reflect the current needs, programs, resources and technology.

""Active Trans participated in the recent team effort to update the Environmental Literacy for Illinois strategic plan. As a non-formal education provider and environmental advocacy organization, we recognize the importance of environmental literacy in advancing the environmental and human health of our communities.

We and the other report partners are proactively engaging children and adults in environmental and transportation safety education. Active Trans on its own enrolled more than 5,000 children last year in safety curricular education programs, and reached another 5,000 adults and children through our education services.

The Environmental Literacy for Illinois strategic plan sets forth an ambitious five-year matrix of strategies to incorporate environmental education into existing and planned formal and non-formal learning opportunities. The plan includes strategies to enhance curricular learning, non-formal education, information access and environmental career development.

Active Transportation Alliance is proud of its role in bringing the Environmental Literacy for Illinois plan to fruition.

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