Thanks to the dedicated work of city staff and residents, the Des Plaines City Council adopted an active transportation plan and Complete Streets policy this week.
Des Plaines’ plan serves as a guide for taking the next steps to connect residents to key destinations like the Des Plaines River Trail, Oakton Community College, Metra stations, and the many parks and schools in the community.
It outlines locations for future bike and pedestrian improvements such as bike lanes, street crossings and multi-use trails. The plan also presents strategies for getting more people walking and biking in Des Plaines.
Having this plan will help Des Plaines obtain future grant money, integrate bicycle and pedestrian accommodations into its transportation projects and coordinate bike and pedestrian initiatives with neighboring communities.
The City of Des Plaines became the eighth Illinois municipality to adopt a Complete Streets policy. The Complete Streets policy complements Des Plaines’ new active transportation plan by laying out a process for city staff to review all proposed roadway projects and ensure that the goals of the active transportation plan are met.
A complete streets approach to project planning can help save money and will ensure that roadways are designed with the safety of all users in mind.
The policy and plan were crafted by the City of Des Plaines staff and steering committee, with assistance from Active Trans, and was funded by the Model Communities Grant program.
Attached is the Complete Streets policy. Look for the 70-page active transportation plan on Des Plaines’ municipal website soon.